Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I just got over a bout of the stomach flu. It lasted about two days. If you are friends with me on Facebook (which I am fairly certain all of you are) you are well aware of this because of my incessant bitching via status updates. Actually, the first day was the worst, the second day it just felt like my stomach was getting stabby. Between Sunday at 6am and today around Noon(when I was brave enough to eat some salad) all I had eaten was half a sleeve of Ritz crackers and a whole lot of water. I have lost just under 10 pounds according to my scale. Needless to say, I have not been on the DIY train for a few days.

But in other news, I am in the market for an IPod touch with a camera. Let me just preface all of this in saying that I am sortof an idiot when it comes to technology. It took me about 2 weeks to figure out this blogging deal and, to be honest, I'm surprised I know enough about Facebook to use it properly. I have never owned a techy gadget I didn't have to call the manufacturer to ask questions. I have never owned an Apple product (GASP!!!), so this is quite the step for me. I found a "Second Generation" Ipod touch on Craigslist and emailed the seller asking for pictures. I later remembered that I wanted one with a camera and knew from looking online that not all of them have one, so I emailed him asking this question. This is the response I got:

"It doesn't this is the 2nd Generation iPod, the ones with the cameras are the 4th generation. Duh."

First off: Are you fucking kidding me? You're serious right now? Really? Secondly: Are you trying to sell something or get beaten with a tube sock filled with oranges?

After running the response by Amy (my totes ferosh) to make sure it had the proper level of sass, this is what i responded with:

"I apologize. I wasn't aware that I worked at the Apple store and should have formal knowledge of all the specs of the Ipod "generations". If this had a camera and if you had a better attitude I would be interested, as neither of them appear to be here I am not interested in buying this from you. DUH"

Is this what owning an Apple product is going to turn me into? One of these douchey techy hipsters? I sure hope not, because I want me an Ipod touch real bad.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha That is crazy!! I am proud of you for that sassy response!!
