Monday, January 30, 2012


Lets talk about how I am THE most impatient person on the planet. I. Cannot. Wait. For. Anything. It drives me insane. For example: as I mentioned before I placed an order (OKAY! TWO orders. Jeeze..) with e.l.f on Friday night at about 11:55 PM. It is now Monday at 9:35 AM and I have probably refreshed my email  800 times since I placed my order hoping for the shipping confirmation email. I am that little kid that starts bugging you two weeks before Christmas, "PLEASE, CAN I OPEN JUST ONE PRESENT?! JUST ONE?!" or the famous "ARE WE THERE YET?!" (or my boyfriends favorite "Have you fixed the internet yet? Is the wireless working? Why wont it work? Is it fixed yet? Now?"). I think I have passed this horrible habit onto one of the dogs. They get fed at 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM. Since she is lazy as hell in the morning she doesn't wake me up or anything (which is fantastic). She wakes up with me, goes out to pee and then darts to the dog food bag. I cannot have coffee. I cannot go pee until I feed that dog or she will blow a gasket. Then she starts bugging me around 2 in the afternoon and the countdown begins. "No, Riley. You still have two and a half hours until dinner." Then she sits there eye humping the dog food bag for 10 minutes and starts whining at me again. It's honestly like having a little kid that can't talk yet. "No, little dog. We just talked about this." and she just stares at me. If I fed her every time she begged for it, I would have a 24 inch tall, 380 lb dog.

This is about the third round of begging yesterday at about 4pm:

And this picture is what I feel like at the new Dunkin Donuts up the street. Granted, I have only been there twice since they opened, so they cannot possibly have memorized my order yet (like every other DD I have ever lived in close proximity to) , but when I have to tell the 15 year old girl at the register my order, then repete it to the person actually making the coffee, then AGAIN to the cashier because the other one didn't make it properly, I get a little irritated.

Now that we have THAT  out of the way, lets talk about nail polish. I have amassed quite the collection. I'm going to need a spice rack to hold all these bottles pretty soon. The bag I used to keep it all in got too small and started to overflow about two weeks ago.They are just hanging out everywhere. The 75% off sale at the Rite Aid down the street doesn't help keep this in check at all. I got three bottles for .49 cents each. I didn't actually do the math when I picked it out, which resulted in me saying (under my breath) "Holy shit, seriously?" while at the register. You better believe I mauled them for all the good colors after I found that out.   

This is what the collection looks like:

30 bottles (and growing almost daily). Clearly, Pinterest is not the only thing I am addicted to.


  1. I use a big shoe box for my nail polish, way better then a bag

  2. Ooooooh good idea!! I'm aiming for a spice rack this weekend. I'm going to hit up Big Lots and see if I can find one for cheap. I'm going to move it into a shoe box. Thanks!!
