Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hey, Stranger!

Woah, Nelly! Hey, Blog town! Wowzers, its been a long time. I saw that a few people I know who blog weren't doing it as frequently and picked it back up so I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon too.
December was my last Fail. I'd like to say I've been busy all this time but with the except of the last 3 weeks or so that isn't true. I've started to just not care about the whole "no one cares about what I have to say" feeling, so we're just going with it.
Lots of things have happened over the last 3-4 weeks! Tim and I had our 5 year anniversary (whaaaaaaattttttttt!?!?!). That freaked me out. Not in a bad way but in a "IvebeenwiththispersonalmosteverydaysinceIwas19andnowwe'realladultsandshit" kind of way. People won't stop asking us when we're getting married. Not doing it, stop asking. Not because I don't love by boyfriend/best-ginger-friend-ever, but because somehow signing a marriage certificate seems to turn seemingly normal, loving couples (who have been together for years!)  into crazy people that hate everything about each other. I don't think that would happen to us.....but lez be honest many people do you know that have gotten married and said that EXACT same thing, then gotten divorced? No, ma'am, not happening. I'm certainly not trying to say that I wouldn't love a sweet ass ring or a massive party that's all about me, because that would be a lie, I'm just not interested in signing papers.
People also won't stop asking when we're going to have kids. No. Just....No. I love my nephew and my friends kids, they're amazing and fun and they say the craziest stuff (I was over at my friends house, her daughter walks up and all matter-of-factly says "Mom. Could you tell whoever is leaving the toilet seat up that they need to put it down. I would appreciate it."....shes 7...and clearly AWESOME).  But Auntie Margaret will stick to buying them sweet clothes and candy, not dealing with "MOM. MOM. MOM. MOM. MOOOOOOMMMMMM" while I'm in the bathroom. Power to all you mothers out there, because Lord knows you deserve a medal or something.
Also, as most of you know, the house I live in is on the market. This is my mother's house, she abandoned me and moved south, so I moved in here to make sure shit didn't fall down. Recently there have been offers on the house, so we started looking for apartments/houses. That was rough. We looked at like 10 places. Most of them were terrible, but two were pretty great. The first one I wanted SO bad, we didn't get it and I died a little inside (it had a dishwasher....come on!!!!). We finally found a place in the same town, almost all moved in. Its super cute and I get a washer/dryer, fireplace and sweet deck. I also have a really beautiful view of the river. Its amazing. On the down side though, moving out of the house I grew up in is depressing. There is a mirror on the wall that has been there for probably 10 years. I took it down to pack it the other day, got all depressed and just hung it back up on the wall. Not going to lie, I'm at the point in the phase where I just want to ruin all the good stuff so some stranger doesn't get to enjoy it when they buy the house. Totally normal, right?
I'm starting to get over it though.
Lets talk about fun stuff! I've made a bunch of stuff since we last talked.
Like this:
Its one those Hyacinth plastic spoon mirrors. I didn't realize I had made it too big until it was too late.....yup...2 weeks and 650+ spoons later, thats what happened. Its a terrible picture, but (hopefully) you get the idea.
And this:
Those horse shoes were hanging out in the yard for YEARS. They were all rusted, and I decided to do something fun. Fast forward 2 days and three trips to the hardware store and there she is.
There are a few other things, but I don't have pictures right now. I was so well prepared for this....  Anyway, more to come much more frequently!